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Big steps on this tiny farm

I just completed my 2016 taxes and it only took 3 hours. I debated about delving into the issue of indicating that I have started a business and elected not to go down that path just yet. I guess I figure that since I did not even attempt to generate income last year, the only thing I could really declare would be expenses and I'm not sure it is worth the poor brain cells that are dying from trying to figure this all out. To be sure, 2017 taxes will be much different. I have set up a system to properly track my expenses - simply as it is, it works.

The bigger news is that I have contacted the Small Business Administration to help me with an official business plan. I will need that to go after some grant funding. In addition, I have also contacted SCORE and been paired with a mentor. As a result of my phone conversation with my mentor, I am meeting with an insurance person to discuss a business owner’s policy and I have opened a business checking account to avoid the dreaded “co-mingling” of funds.

On the actual fun side of things, inside I have gotten transplants done this weekend and started another 5 trays of seeds on heat mats and 2 trays of seeds are in the fridge for their cold treatment. Outside, all of the row cover has been removed and much to my amazement, some of the seed I hurriedly planted last fall has come up. The tulips look fantastic as do the allium and daffodils. This afternoon, I will be spreading the coffee grounds I have accumulated this week and making notes in my seed journal.

I still have not put pen to paper and diagramed my actual garden plan, but I am getting closer. As I sit here writing, I am looking out the windows and can see potential for additional planting spaces. I have an almond tree coming this week and March will bring 2 pecans, 2 butternuts and a smoke bush. The tuberose bulbs were delivered yesterday and since I could not find a nursery source for ranunculus on my own, I broke down bought some from Home Depot of all places. In addition I have various other bulbs and live plants that should be coming in April, so no need to panic about those just yet.

This week also brought news that two of my most favorite people are coming to visit in May to help me get everything in the ground. I can’t wait until they arrive.

My dog has given me more than one heavy sigh and the sun is shining and looks just glorious so off we go to get those grounds spread.

Have a terrific week everyone!

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